Highly Capable Machines
All C&A screw machines have been maintained to hold the tightest possible tolerances. Operators are responsible for constantly checking machine parts for accuracy and consistency. For even closer precision, we can use CNC machining or grind parts down to ±.0002″ dimensional accuracy.
Certified Vendor Status
To help customers reduce their in-process inventories, C&A Machine has become a Certified Vendor. Our shipments go directly from “dock to stock” without the delay or expense of incoming inspections.
Long Term Relationships
Being a Family owned and operated business, we pride ourselves on long term relationships. Some of our current customers have been with us since we started in the 1980s.
Hands-On Management
Quality results are not the responsibility of machinist alone. Our managers and owners are all involved, everyday, in each aspect of production. They are all part of our dedicated team approach to quality.
Clean Production Environment
We can’t imagine turning out quality products without a quality work environment. We strive to maintain an eco-friendly company. Customers describe our facility as the cleanest of its type they have ever seen.